1. Hypoxia
Hypoxia induces HIF-1 expression and the consequent release of pro-angiogenic factors, of which VEGF is the most important
2. Proteolytic degradation
Hypoxia also upregulates protease expression, leading to basement membrane degradation and pericyte detachment
3. Tip cell migration
Specialized endothelial cells - ‘tip cells’ - migrate along angiogenic factor gradient
4. Tube formation
Endothelial cells are differentiated into highly proliferative stalk cells which make up the main body of the new vessel
5. Regulation of vessel size
VEGF stimulates DLL4 secration which binds to Notch-1 receptors; this down regulates VEGFR suppressing proliferation
6. Tumor vascularization
PDGF beta stimulates pericyte attachment and reduces proliferation and VEGF sensitivity. Blood supply stimulates further tumor growth